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T: 01277 829044
T: 01245 490542
M: 07903 082442

Opening Hrs - 8am to 5pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm Saturdays

Timber Products


Rounded Pales

1520 (5ft) 75x75 3ft
1830 (6ft) 75x75 4ft
2130 (7ft) 75x75
2440 (8ft) 75x75
2740 (9ft) 75x75
3050 (10ft) 75x75
1520 (5ft) 100x100
1830 (6ft) 100x100
2130 (7ft) 100x100
2440 (8ft) 100x100
2740 (9ft) 100x100
3050 (10ft) 100x100

Squared Pales

Pointed Pales

3ft 3ft
4ft 4ft

Timber Gravel Boards

T/W Fence Panel Capping

1.83m (22mm x 150mm) 1830 x 19x50
3m (22mm x 150mm)

Fence Panel Backing Rails

Motorway Rail

1830 x 32 x 75 3600 x 38x87

Arris Rail

Cant Rail

3000 x 75x75 3000 x 50x125

Gate Stop

Featheredge Planks

1830 x 25x25 900 22x125
1200 22x125
1650 22x125
1800 22x125
1500 22x125

Wall Plates

4" x 2"